


时间:2022/05/13 15:05:00  来源:   作者:   点击:


蒋红梅19734月生,博士,教授,士生导师。已发表SCI论文40篇,申请专利10余项,其中授权专利5项,主持国家重点研发项目(任务)、国家科技计划专项、主持或子课题主持农业部948项目湖南省科技计划项目等各类课题共计10项。2015年组建农业安全与智能传感ASISAgricultural Security and Intelligent Sensor Group)课题组,目前科研团队共有博士学位青年教师5人,硕士研究生16名,本科生30余名,面向农业安全、资源与环境、智能传感三个方向开展研究



1992 -1996中北大学应用化学专业 本科;

1996 -1999中北大学应用化学专业 硕士研究生;

2003 -2017湖南农业大学植物学专业 博士研究生。



1999.07-至今:湖南农业大学 化学与材料科学学院  讲师,副教授,教授

2013.06-2013.12加拿大卫生部环境与安全署  访问学者

2018.09-2019.09  湖南大学 化学与生物传感国家重点实验室  访问学者



1 功能小分子提取、修饰、制备及其在农业生产中的应用研究新型功能小分子及功能型小分子的化学、生物提取、修饰、合成新方法研究,并在畜牧安全养殖领域进行应用研究

2 关键次生代谢物控制及分析:植物、微生物关键次生代谢物的控制技术研究及其机理探索;次生代谢物化学与生物传感技术研究。



胡存彦  获第二届湖南省大学生化学实验技能竞赛一等奖,湖南省教育厅;

彭丹妮、李宇轩、董李洁、邱凡珊、黄雪航  获湖南省第十届大学生化学化工学科竞赛二等奖,第十四届全国大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖,彭丹妮报送至中南大学。

周宇、余敏雅、邓蓉蓉、梁展宁、胡青  获第十三届全国大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖,湖南省第九届大学生化学化工学科竞赛一等奖;周宇报送至湖南大学。

田不凡、周圆圆、王文静、张思璐,吴卓  获湖南省第九届大学生化学化工学科竞赛三等奖,湖南省教育厅,周圆圆同学报送至湖南大学,王文静考入湖南农业大学。

冯雅琴  授权发明专利一项,获湖南省第十届大学生化学化工实验与创新设计竞赛课外化工类创新作品一等奖,考入华中师范大学。

胡琪  获第十届湖南省大学生课外化学化工创新作品竞赛一等奖,考入华中科技大学。

杨钊一、杨洋  获湖南省第六届大学生化学实验技能与化学化工创新竞赛三等奖,湖南省教育厅,杨钊一考入华南理工大学,杨洋考入陕西科技大学。



1 应用化学专业、材料化学专业本科:《化工原理、《生产实习》

2 应用化学硕士:《物理化学前沿》;

3 化学工程硕士:《生物资源化学工程前沿》;

4 公共课本科:《有机化学》

5 公共课本科:《基础实验课》


(A) 年主持和完成与本项目相关的科研项目(纵向课题)


1 国家重点研发项目子课题,猪禽饲料营养价值精准评定,2021/12-2026/12, 80万,80万,在研,主持;

2 国家科技计划(中央引导地方发展),YDZX20184300002303畜禽废弃物高效资源化利用关键技术研究与示范2018/01-2019/1240万,完成,主持;

3 农业部948项目,21706060,大型猪场废弃物资源化综合利用及示范,2016/01-2017/12100万,完成,子课题主持;



3 湖南省重点研发(湖南省技术创新引导计划),S2020GXKJGG0272,畜禽废弃物高值化综合利用关键技术研发与集成示范,2020/12-2023/12300万,在研,子课题主持;

4 湖南省情与决策咨询研究课题,S2020ZLKJCX0007湖南省十四五社会发展科技创新规划前期研究 湖南省科技厅 200204-20210450万,完成,参与;



(B) 近年发表的论文(2016年以来)


1. Li, Muyi, Yang, Xiang, Liu, Wenjun, Wang, Huixian, Jiang, Hongmei, Liu, Xiaoying ,Ultrasensitive Determination of Dopamine and Uric Acid Based on Gold Nanoparticles@Carbon Dots/Electrochemical Reduced Graphene Oxide modified glassy carbon electrode, International Journal of ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE, 2021,16(8):1-7

2. Hongmei Jiang , Haicheng Shen, Sha Zhu, Binbin Wang, Yujie Yang, Zhibin Nong, Min Yi, Shiyun Tang, and Qing-Wen Gui Diethylaminosulfur Trifluoride: A Novel, Low-Cost, Stable Double Thiolation Reagent for Imidazo[1,2-α]pyridinesACS Omega2021, 6(40): 26273-26281

3. Yong Ma , Gang Liu , Muyang Tang , Jun Fang *and Hongmei Jiang* Epigallocatechin gallate can protect mice from acute stress induced by LPS while stabilizing gut microbes and serum metabolites levelsFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 202112):1-13


4Jiang, Hongmei; Guo, Dingyi; Zhang, Yixin; Shen, Qin-Peng; Tang, Shiyun; You, Junheng ; Huo, Yi; Wang, Huixian ; Gui, Qing-Wen*Ultrasound-Promoted and Base-Mediated Regioselective Bromination of Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines with Pyridinium TribromideSYNTHESIS-STUTTGART20205218: 2713-2720. 

5Zhu, Sha ;Wang, Binbin ; Li, Huiqin ; Xiao, Wending; Teng, Fan; Shen, Haicheng;  Gui, Qing-Wen; Li, Zhouchao; Jiang, Hongmei*,Halogenation of Imidazo[1,2-alpha]pyridines with DXDMH (X=Cl, Br and I) Using DMSO as a Solvent and an OxidantCHEMISTRYSELECT2020, 5 (40 ): 12329-12332.

6Qiaoli Qin, Daili Tang, Yunxiang Zhang, Yongbing Cheng, Fang He, Zhaohong Su,* and Hongmei Jiang*, An Electrochemical Sensor for Simultaneous Stripping Determination of Cd(II) and Pb(II) Based on Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized b-cyclodextrin-graphene Hybrids, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2020, 15:1517-1528.

7Xiaoying Liu, Muyi Li, Xiang Yang, Xiang Zeng, Huixian Wang, Hongmei Jiang*, Carbon encapsulation and chlorine doping enable Na3V2(PO4)3 superior sodium ion storage properties as cathodematerial for sodium ion battery, Powder Technology, 364 (2020) 70–77.

8MA Yong, Hu Chao, Yang Wenixn, Liu Gang*, Jiang Hongmei*. Lactobacillus pentosus Increases the Abundance of Akkermansia and Affects the Serum Metabolome to Alleviate DSS-Induced Colitis in a Murine Model, FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 2020,8(8):1-12.

9Sujuan Ding, Sheng Xu, Jun Fang* and Hongmei Jiang*. The Protective Effect of Polyphenols for Colorectal Cancer, FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 2020, 11(11):1-9.


10. Hongmei Jiang,  Xiaoyue Tang  Zhihui Xu,  Huixian Wang,  Kang Han,  Xiaolan Yang,  Yuanyuan Zhou,  Yong-Lai FengXian-Yong Yu  and  Qingwen Gui* TBAI-catalyzed selective synthesis of sulfonamides and β-aryl sulfonyl enamines: coupling of arenesulfonyl chlorides and sodium sulfinates with tert-aminesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY2019 1710): 2715-2720ESI高被引论文)

11 Jiang, HongmeiTang, XiaoyueLiu, SihanWang, LianShen, HaichengYang, JiankuiWang, HuixianGui, Qing-Wen*Ultrasound accelerated synthesis of O-alkylated hydroximides under solvent- and metal-free conditions.Organic & biomolecular chemistry2019,17(48):10223-10227.

12. Ma Yong, Ding Sujuan, Fang Jun*, Jiang Hongmei*. Antimicrobial activity of anthocyanins and catechins against foodborne pathogens Escherichia coli and Salmonella, FOOD CONTROL,2019,106(106): 106712

13. Ma Yong, Jiang Hongmei*, Fang Jun* Liu Gang*. IRW and IQW Reduce Colitis-Associated Cancer Risk by Alleviating DSS-Induced Colonic Inflammation, BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2019(10): 1-9.

14. Sujuan Ding, YongweiWang,WenxinYan,Aike Li, Hongmei Jiang*,Jun Fang* Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum 15-1 and fructooligosaccharides on the response of broilers to pathogenic Escherichia coli O78 challengePLOS ONE2019146):1-14. 

15. Ding Sujuan, Jiang Hongmei*, Fang Jun*, Liu Gang. MicroRNA Determines the Fate of Intestinal Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Regulates Intestinal DiseasesCURRENT PROTEIN & PEPTIDE SCIENCE2019207):666-673.

16.  Sujuan Ding , Sheng Xu, Yong Ma, Gang Liu*, Hongmei Jang*, and Jun Fang* Modulatory Mechanisms of the NLRP3 Inflammasomes in DiabetesBiomolecules 2019, 912:850

17 Ding Sujuan, Ma Yong, Liu Gang*, Wenxin Yan, Jiang Hongmei, Fang Jun*, Lactobacillus brevis Alleviates DSS-Induced Colitis by Reprograming Intestinal Microbiota and Influencing Serum Metabolome in Murine ModelFrontiers in Physiology2019,10:1152

18.  Sujuan Ding, Gang Liu, Hongmei Jiang, and Jun Fang. MicroRNA Determines the Fate of Intestinal Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Regulates Intestinal Diseases, Current Protein and Peptide Science, 2019, 20, 1-8 

19. Ma Yong, Ding Sujuan, Liu Gang*, Fang Jun*, Wenxin Yan, Veeramuthu Duraipandiyan, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi, Galal Ali Esmail, Hongmei Jiang. Egg Protein Transferrin-Derived Peptides IRW and IQW Regulate Citrobacter rodentium-Induced, Inflammation-Related Microbial and Metabolomic ProfilesFrontiers in Microbiology.201910:643.


2018 7篇)

20. Qingwen GuiKang HanZhuoliang LiuZhaohong SuXiaoli HeHongmei Jiang*Bufan TianYangyan Li*E-Selective synthesis of vinyl sulfones via silver-catalyzed sulfonylation of styrenesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY20181632):5748-5751

21. Hongmei Jiang Xiaohui Zhao1Jun Fang*Yunhua Xiao*. Physiological responses and metal uptake of Miscanthus under cadmium/arsenic stressEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 2528):28275–28284

22. Su Zhaohong Chaorong LiYongbing Cheng, Qingwen Gui, Yuanfu Xiong, Yueming TanJiang Hongmei*,Liu Xiaoying*,Enhanced electrocatalytic performance of platinum nanoparticales on thiolated polyaniline-multiwalled carbon nanotubes for methanol oxidationRSC Advances2018,833742-33747.

23.. Gang Liu, Wenxin Yan,  Sujuan Ding*, Hongmei Jiang*, Yong Ma, Hua Wang, Jun Fang*. Effects of IRW and IQW on Oxidative Stress and Gut Microbiota in Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colitis, Cell Physiol Biochem 2018;51:441-451.

24  Sujuan Ding, Hongmei Jiang*, Jun Fang. Regulation of Immune Function by Polyphenols, Journal of Immunology Research, 2018(2018):1264-1274.

25. Dan Zhu , YongMa , Sujuan Ding, Hongmei Jiang*, Jun Fang*. Effects of Melatonin on Intestinal Microbiota and Oxidative Stress in Colitis MiceBioMed Research International, 2018, (2018): 26076-26079

26. 程翠利,赵小会,蒋红梅*,方俊,田云.黄曲霉及毒素防控技术研究进展,,食品工业,2018,392):296-300



27. 程翠利,韩康,卢向阳,方俊,田云,蒋红梅*.麝香草酚对13种植物病原微生物的抑制作用,安徽农业科学,2017,45(24):144-145

· 28. Shuang Chen, Hongmei Jiang, Xiaosong Wu*, and Jun Fang*.The Utility of Ovotransferrin and Ovotransferrin-Derived Peptides as Possible Candidates in the Clinical Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases, OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY, 2017(2017):1-6.

· 29.  Liu, Zaichun  Li, Ruilian  Chen, Jizhong  Wu, Xiongwei*  Zhang, Kai  Mo, Jun  Yuan, Xinhai  Jiang, Hongmei  Holze, Rudolf  Wu, Yuping. Theoretical Investigation into Suitable Pore Sizes of Membranes for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, CHEMELECTROCHEM, 2017,4(9): 2184-2189

30. Shuang Chen, Hongmei Jiang, Xiaosong Wu*, and Jun Fang*.The Utility of Ovotransferrin and Ovotransferrin-Derived Peptides as Possible Candidates in the Clinical Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases, OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY, 2017(6):1-6

31. Jun Fang *, Yordan Martínez *, Changjian Denga, Dan Zhu, Hanhui Peng, Hongmei Jiang and Aike Li. Effects of dietary enzymolysis products of wheat gluten on the growth performance, serum biochemical, immune, and antioxidant status of broilers, 2017,28(6):1155-1167.



32. Jiang HongmeiLiao, Xiangjun; Feng, Yong-Lai*Wood, Carla M.; Xiao, Chao-Wu*.A robust analytical method for measurement of phytoestrogens and related metabolites in serum with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry[J]JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B, 20161012106-112

33. Shuang Chen, Hongmei Jiang*, Xiaosong Wu, and Jun Fang*. Therapeutic Effects of Quercetin on Inflammation,Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes[J]. Mediators of Inflammation,2016 (3):1-5

34. Iser, Maidelys; Martinez, Yordan; Ni, Hengjia; Jiang, Hongmei; Valdivie Navarro, Manuel; Wu, Xiaosong; Al-Dhabi, Naif. The Effects of Agave fourcroydes Powder asa Dietary Supplement on Growth Performance,Gut Morphology, Concentration of IgG, and HematologyParameters in Broiler Rabbits[J]. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2016, 3414319.


 (C) 获得的奖励和荣誉称号与社会兼职


1. 2018.11  蒋红梅荣获2018年湖南省普通高校教师课堂教学竞赛三等奖 湖南省教育厅(独立)

2. 2017.11 蒋红梅  荣获2017年湖南省普通高校教师信息化教学竞赛一等奖  湖南省教育厅(独立)

3.  2021年湖南省一流课程建设 课程及团队负责人

4.  2019年湖南农业大学教学成果二等奖(排名第一)

5  2020年湖南省思政课程建设项目(排名第一)

6  2019 湖南省科技进步奖二等奖(排名第三)



宁乡产业专业联盟  成员


