


时间:2020/09/30 15:24:00  来源:   作者:   点击:

姓名:夏茂                   性别:男

出生年月:1986. 12              籍贯:河南省信阳市

民族:汉                    职称:特聘教授

学历:博士研究生            学位:工学博士

毕业学校:中南大学              手机号码:15802612087




夏茂,男,中共党员,硕士生导师,特聘教授。5年,Chem. Eng. J., Mater. Today Chem., J. Mater. Chem. CAppl. Surf. Sci.iScienceDalton Trans.Ceram Int.J. Am. Ceram. Soc.J. Alloy Compd.J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E.J. Lumin.RSC Adv.J. Rare Earths, Solid State Ionics,发光学报,无机化学学报,核农学报等领域内重要学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文29篇;申请发明专利9项,已授权专利3项;参与和主持国家级(国家自然科学基金青年基金、面上基金等)、省部级、市厅级和其他校企合作课题共计10余项。2019年7月以神农学者青年英才引进方式进入湖南农业大学化学与材料科学学院工作,特聘为教授,2020年9月认定为教授,主要从事无机发光材料的设计、合成、发光性能调控及机理研究,发光器件封装及其在现代农业中的应用研究。



2007.09-2011.06 河南科技学院新科学院       本科      化学工程与工艺

2011.09-2014.06 湖南师范大学化学化工学院    硕士       无机化学

2016.09-2019.05 中南大学粉末冶金研究院     博士      材料科学与工程



Ø2014.06-2015.10   湖南爱德光电新材料有限公司            材料工程师

Ø2015.11-2016.09   湖南省正源储能材料与器件研究所         研发工程师

Ø2019.07-至今     湖南农业大学化学与材料科学学院         特聘教授












2)周智,周南,钟圆,盖淑杰,夏茂,田云,湖南农业大学科学进步奖,高光效高热稳定性荧光粉激发型LED植物生长灯设计、制造与应用示范,2018. 12.27;













11)长沙市科学技术局,科技成果转化项目重点项目,KH2005114,面向园艺作物育苗的高效LED植物光源用氮化物红色荧光粉的合成及性能研究,2020-08-24 2022-08-2430万,在研,参与(第四);









1)夏茂,周智,曾少波,蒋葵明,刘清玲,一种白光LED用钛酸盐Zn2TiO4:Eu3+红色荧光粉的制备方法, 专利号:ZL 201510270490.1

2)夏茂,周智,曾少波,蒋葵明,刘清玲,一种深红色荧光粉及其应用,专利号: ZL 201510598725.X








1. Zhi Zhou, Haifeng Zhu, Xu Huang, Yalan She, Yuan Zhong, Jing Wang, Min Liu, Wei Li, Mao Xia*. Anti-thermal-quenching, color-tunable and ultra-narrow-band cyan green-emitting phosphor for w-LEDs with enhanced color rendering. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 134079.

2. Haifeng Zhu, Xu Huang, Ya-nan Li, Ya-lan She, Jing Wang, Wai-Yeung Wong, Min Liu, Wei Li, Zhi Zhou, Mao Xia*, Novel ultra-high-temperature zero-thermal quenching plant-protecting type blue-green dual-emission KAl11O17:Eu2+,Mn2+ phosphors for urban ecological lighting. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022. 10(9). 3461-3471

3. 高培鑫, 董鹏, 周泽云, 张晓娟, 李亚男, 杨建奎, 黎倩, 陈可, MOLOKEEV Maxim S, 周智*,夏茂*. 新型植物补光用远红光 (La,Gd,Y)2MgTiO6:Cr3+ 荧光粉的光谱调控,发光学报, 2022, 43, 58-68.

4. Sijin Zhang, Yang Liu, Jiamai Yin, Xiaojuan Zhang, Ya-nan Li, Liujuan Su, Zhi Zhou*, Mao Xia*, A novel Cr3+-activated far-red titanate phosphor: synthesis, luminescence enhancement and application prospect, Materials Today Chemistry, 2022. Online

5. Cheng Zhou, Pu Peng, Zihui Kong, Meihan Wu, Maxim S. Molokeev, Jing Wang, Mao Xia*, A high thermal stability Cr3+-doped gallate far red phosphor for plant lighting: structure, luminescence enhancement and application prospect, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, online.


6. Peixin Gao, Zeyun Zhou, Peng Dong, Qian Li, Honghui Li, Jing Wang, Zhi Zhou*, Mao Xia*, Tuning the luminescence properties of blue and far-red dual emitting Gd2MgTiO6:Bi3+, Cr3+ phosphor for LED plant lamp. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2021, 1046444-6454.

7. Peixin Gao, Peng Dong, Zeyun Zhou, Qian Li, Honghui Li, Zhi Zhou, Mao Xia*, Peihua Zhang*, Enhanced luminescence and energy transfer performance of double perovskite structure Gd2MgTiO6:Bi3+, Mn4+ phosphor for indoor plant growth LED lighting. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(12), 16588-16596.

8. Haifeng Zhu#, Shuqing Feng#, Zihui Kong, Xu Huang, Lu Peng, Jing Wang, Wai-Yeung Wong, Zhi Zhou , Mao Xia*, Bi3+ occupancy rearrangement in K2-xAxMgGeO4 phosphor to achieve ultra-broad-band white emission based on alkali metal substitution engineering. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 563, 150252.

9. 夏茂,周南*,钟美娥,周泽云,黄旭,无机化学实验教学模式及实验室管理,科技创新导报202119167-169.

10. 周南,钟美娥,王一帆,高文彬,夏茂*构建化学类专业线上平台支撑远程毕业设计的探索—以生物炭功能材料的研究为例,山东化工202150200-201.

11. 周南,钟美娥,刘梦,胡湛,夏茂*,构建线上平台指导毕业生“云就业”的探索,科技风20218100-102.



12. Nan Zhou#, Yufan Wu#, Yiran Li, Jiankui Yang, Qing Zhou, Yuwei Guo, Mao Xia*, Zhi Zhou*, Interconnected structure Si@TiO2-B/CNTs composite anode applied for high-energy lithium-ion batteries. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 500, 144026.

13. Yuan Zhong, Yue Zhou, Cheng Zhou, Hongxi Chen, Zhi Zhou*, M.G. Brik*, Mao Xia*, Two targets with one strategy: Insights into the role of aluminum atoms on the luminescence properties and thermal stability in Mn4+-doped calcium aluminozincate phosphor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 849, 156567.

14. Nan Zhou#, Longhai Liu#, Zhipeng Zhou,Ye Zhang, Minghui Li, Cheng Zhou, Mao Xia*, Zhi Zhou*, Engineering cation vacancies to improve the luminescence properties of Ca14Al10Zn6O35: Mn4+ phosphors for LED plant lamp. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2020, 103, 1798-1808.

15. Yongli Zhang#, Minghui Li#, Zihui Kong, Chao Liang, Cheng Zhou, Mao Xia*, Zhi Zhou*, Plant habitat-conscious phosphors: Tuneable luminescence properties of Dy3+-doped Ca8ZnY(PO4)7 phosphors by co-dopants Mg2+ and B3+. Ceramics International, 2020, 46, 11717-11725.

16. Yongli Zhang#, Yuding Huang#, Minghui Li, Chao Liang, Haifeng Zhu, Yuan Zhong, Nan Yang*, Zhi Zhou*, Mao Xia*, Tuning the luminescence properties of Mn4+-activated CaYAlO4 phosphor by co-doping cations for indoor plant cultivation. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2020, 103(8), 4373-4383. 

17. Gai Shujie#, Zhu Haifeng#, Gao Peixin, Zhou Cheng, Kong Zihui, Molokeev Maxim S., Qi Zhiyong, Zhi Zhou*, Mao Xia*, Structure analysis, tuning photoluminescence and enhancing thermal stability on Mn4+-doped La2-xYxMgTiO6 red phosphor for agricultural lighting, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(12),  20173-20182.  

18. Simin Gu#, Mao Xia#, Cheng Zhou, Zihui Kong, Maxim S. Molokeev, Li Liu*, Wai-Yeung Wong*, Zhi Zhou*, Red shift properties, crystal field theory and nephelauxetic effect on Mn4+-doped SrMgAl10-yGayO17 red phosphor for plant growth LED light. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 396, 125208.

19. Yuan Zhong#, Mao Xia#, Zhi Chen, Peixing Gao, H.T. (Bert) Hintzen, Wai-Yeung Wong*, Jing Wang*, Zhi Zhou*, Pyrophosphate Phosphor Solid Solution with High Quantum Efficiency and Thermal Stability for Efficient LED Lighting. iScience, 2020, 23(3), 100892. 

20. Mao Xia#, Yongli Zhang#, Xianbo Wu, Yuan Zhong, Zhi Zhou*, High thermal stability and blue-violet emitting CaYAlO4:Ti4+ phosphor with enhanced emission by Ca2+ vacancies, Journal of Rare Earths, 2020, 38, 227-233.  



21. Mao Xia, Zhi Zhou, Yifeng Su, Yiran Li, Yufan Wu, Nan Zhou, Hongbo Zhang*, Xiang Xiong*. Scalable synthesis SiO@C anode by fluidization thermal chemical vapor deposition in fluidized bed reactor for high-energy lithium-ion battery. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 467-468, 298-308.

22. Mao Xia, Yiran Li, Zhi Zhou, Yufan Wu, Nan Zhou, Hongbo Zhang*, Xiang Xiong*. Improving the electrochemical properties of SiO@C anode for high-energy lithium ion battery by adding graphite through fluidization thermal chemical vapor deposition method. Ceramics International. 2019, 45, 1950-1959.

23. Mao Xia, Yiran Li, Yufan Wu, Hongbo Zhang, Jiankui Yang, Nan Zhou, Zhi Zhou,* Xiang Xiong,* Improving the electrochemical properties of SiO@C/graphite composite anode for high-energy lithium ion batteries by adding lithium fluoride. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 480, 410-418.

24. Mao Xia, Yiran Li, Xiang Xiong, Wang Hu, Jiankui Yang, Nan Zhou, Zhi Zhou,* Hongbo Zhang,* Enhancing the electrochemical performance of micron-scale SiO@C/CNTs negative via adding piezoelectric material BaTiO3 for high power lithium ion battery, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019, 800, 116-124.

25. Mao Xia#, Xianbo Wu#, Yuan Zhong, Zhi Zhou*, Wai-Yeung Wong*, A novel Na3La(PO4)2/LaPO4:Eu blue-red dual-emitting phosphor with high thermal stability for plant growth lighting, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019,7, 2385-2393.

26. Mao Xia#, Xianbo Wu#, Yuan Zhong, H. T. (Bert) Hintzen, Zhi Zhou,* Jing Wang,* Photoluminescence properties and energy transfer of a novel Sr8ZnY(PO4)7:Tb3+,Eu3+ phosphor with high thermal stability with high potential for application in warm white light emitting diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2019,7, 2927-2935.

27. Mao Xia#, Simin Gu#, Cheng Zhou, Longhai Liu, Yuan Zhong, Yongli Zhang, Zhi Zhou*, Enhanced photoluminescence and energy transfer performances of Y3Al4GaO12:Mn4+,Dy3+ phosphors for plant growth LED lighting, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 9244-9252.

28. Nan Zhou#, Yufan Wu#, Qing Zhou, Yiran Li, Shihan Liu, Hongbo Zhang, Zhi Zhou*, Mao Xia*, Enhanced cycling performance and rate capacity of SiO anode material by compositing with monoclinic TiO2 (B). Applied Surface Science, 2019, 486, 292-302.


29. Zhi Zhou, Aihua Xiang, Mao Xia,* Nan Zhou. Advanced LiTi2(PO4)3 anode with high performance for aqueous rechargeable lithium battery, Ceramics International. 2018, 44, 21599-21606.

30. Zhi Zhou, Yiran Li, Mao Xia,* Yuan Zhong, Nan Zhou, H. T. (Bert) Hintzen, Improved luminescence and energy transfer properties of Ca14Al10Zn6O35: Ti4+, Mn4+ deep-red emitting phosphors with high brightness for light emitting diode (LED) plant growth lighting, Dalton Transactions. 2018, 47, 13713-13721.

31. Zhi Zhou, Yiran Li, Mao Xia,* Nan Zhou, Enhancing the electrochemical properties of LiTi2(PO4)3 /C anode for aqueous rechargeable lithium battery by Li vacancy, Solid State Ionics, 2018, 315, 1-6.


32. Mao Xia, Guanhua Wang, Zhiqiang Gu, Zhongxian Qiu, Chunying Rong, Jilin Zhang, Wenli Zhou, Liping Yu*, Shixun Lian, Enhanced photoluminescence of the Ca0.8Zn0.2TiO3:0.05%Pr3+ phosphor by optimized hydrothermal conditions, Luminescence: the journal of biological and chemical luminescence, 2017, 32, 999-1008.


33. Xia Mao, Gu Zhiqiang, et al. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Red Persistent Ca2Zn4Ti16O38: Pr3+ Phosphor [J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2015, 31(2): 253-259.


